Cat & Dog
in Chadds Ford, PA
Which Vaccines Does My Pet Need?
Every pet is unique, and while there are some vaccines that we recommend for all pets (rabies and distemper), others are based upon your pet’s lifestyle. Your veterinarian will use the following factors to determine which vaccines your pet needs:
Age • Breed • Risk factors particular to our area • If your pet travels, and where they travel • If they are often boarded, stay at daycare, or visit the dog park • Whether they are outdoors or indoors
How Safe Are Cat & Dog Vaccines?
Vaccines for dogs and cats are very safe. Mild reactions do occur and often include soreness at the injection site and lethargy, but these are not serious and quickly resolve themselves. More serious reactions to vaccines are very rare, and the risk of going without the vaccine is much higher than the risk of having a serious reaction. If you have any concerns about your cat’s or dog’s vaccinations, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at .